We are an Organic Certified established edible landscape. Our quality Vinegars, Juices, Sodas and produce are grown, picked, crafted and bottled right here at Little Shaggery Farm, in Motueka, New Zealand. All our products are made with pure organic ingredients.
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Natural & Organic
Nothing is added
Health Benefits
To your door
What people say...
Organic farming...
…is a sustainable system of food production that maintains and replenishes the fertility of the soil & perceives the environment holistically, respecting all its elements.
My soil is integral to the health of the Little Shaggery Farm plants, so I get fed the most natural foods by making natural fertilisers, compared to modern farming, which relies on chemicals to artificially spur on growth for faster turnover and yield. My organic produce is allowed to develop to its full potential, slowly and naturally. The result is a complex matrix of concentrated sugars and resulting flavour that just doesn’t compare. There is a higher nutrient density in my organic food that only nature can produce when given time to create, plus there is no chemical residue in the produce to disrupt your bodies systems or cause illness due to nasty toxin build up. Only the most natural produce will be here on Little Shaggery Farm!
Check out our blog - Our News
For news from the garden, handy info, storing tips and delicious recipes.